If this is the first time you are downloading or installing one of our applications you must download either of the following Crystal Reports distributable installations.  This will enable you to print reports from our programs.  Both distributables are for Crystal Reports v8.5.

If you intend installing our application on a Windows 95/98 machine download and install this file crystalwin98.zip

For any other Microsoft operating system download and install this file crystalwin.zip.

The distributables are not required for the DataBrowser.

You are now ready to download and install any of the follownig applications.

To install the serial tracker correctly you have to read the installation instructions

Product Name Description Download
DataBrowser Btrieve/Pervasive Data Editor DBinstall.zip
Lead Accounts for Pastel 9.3.3 or 9.3.4 update Updates an EXISTING installation of Lead Accounts for this version of Pastel only. Program.zip
Lead Accounts for Pastel 2009 Pastel v10.1 Accounting Companion Product Setupv10.exe
Lead Accounts Conversion program Convert data from previous Lead Accounts versions Conversionv10.exe


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